CD#331 is the DFC date for events happening between 2461 BC and 2457 BC.
CD#331 is one-fifth of the number of years since Creation Week. This is an exact match to the 1,656 years stated in the text of Scripture from Creation Week until the start of The Flood. At this point in time, 1,656 364-Day years plus 331 days have passed since Creation Day 3 of Creation Week in 4115 BC. This day is also the DFC date of the death of Methuselah and fifty-four days before it starts to rain “in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month “. This date is 600 years and 120 days from the date of Noah’s birth. This is the DFC date for Noah’s 600 th birthday. 600 th Year of Noah to the Rainbow CovenantĭFC Date of Methuselah’s Death is Noah’s 600 th DFC Year